What is Ash dieback?

If you have Ash trees in your garden, you may have heard about Ash dieback.

Ash dieback is a highly destructive fungal disease affecting ash trees. It causes leaf loss and canopy decline and, in some cases, causes the trees to die.

It is estimated that there are more than 60 million ash trees outside woodlands in the UK and that the majority will become affected with ash dieback in years to come.

A proportion of these infected and weakened trees will pose safety risks, especially if they are next to a busy road, public pathway, school or community grounds.

Anyone with an ash tree on their land has a responsibility to ensure that risk posed by the tree is kept within appropriate limits.

Contact the Customer Service team today if you’re concerned about ash dieback in your trees.



How to manage your ash trees

The general steps that you may need to take to manage your ash trees are:

  1. Learn to identify ash trees
  2. Learn to spot symptoms of ash dieback disease
  3. Survey your ash trees on a regular basis
  4. Consult a qualified, insured tree professional to get some specific advice on the health and risks associated with your ash trees
  5. Make a decision on whether there are any trees which might require pruning or felling, based on the advice of a professional
  6. Put a management plan in place and apply for a felling licence if necessary
  7. Continue monitoring your ash trees
  8. Replace ash trees that are lost with another species wherever possible

Spot the signs of ash dieback

It is easiest to spot signs of ash dieback during the summer when trees should be in full leaf. Ash comes into leaf at different times in the spring, sometimes as late as the end of May, but by mid-June all healthy ash should be in full leaf.

Some affected ash trees will fail to come into leaf at all, while others will ‘flush’ normally before showing signs of ill-health or dieback later.

Some common signs of ash dieback include:

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Contact us today if you’re concerned about Ash Dieback in your trees


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Managing risk

Managing the risk from trees is the responsibility of the owners and managers of the land on which they grow.

To help landowners understand the risk of harm posed by their trees and to manage such risk in a reasonable, balanced, and proportionate way, national guidance has been produced by the National Tree Safety Group (NTSG) which should be followed by all tree owners. NTSG’s approach follows five key principles:

If you have any concerns about the health of your ash trees, you should consult a tree professional. The Greenfingers customer service team can also help, get in touch for a quick chat.

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