Administrative & Services Officer, Oswestry Town Council

26th Oct 2017

The view when you enter the park through the main entrance is simply breathtaking with seasonal bedding planted and maintained to perfection. The hot vibrant colours were quite simply ‘sensational’. Geraniums, Marigolds, Begonias and Petunias were all at their very best. This was an absolutely stunning display of summer bedding plants and amazing colours. The grass was completely free of any weed and looked immaculate. The borders were completely weed free and the grass edges were cut correctly. The relationship with the new grounds maintenance contractor is obviously working well and the results are there for all to see. The maintenance team have excelled themselves this year in achieving such a high standard of work and should be very proud. Whilst judging the park numerous members of the public commented how much they appreciate the work of the maintenance team – Cae Glas Park really is the jewel in Oswestry’s crown.

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